Wealth of communication information at the IOC workshop in Lausanne


Lausanne (RWH) The communications department of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held an information workshop at their headquarters in Lausanne for representatives of the international federations and the National Olympic Committees. For the winter sports federations, the focus was on the Youth Olympic Games in 2020 in Lausanne, complete with an in-depth introduction to the host nation. Various issues such as communications strategy, digital platforms, the Olympic Channel and the Olympic Information Service were discussed from an IOC perspective.

The focus of the summer sporting federations was on the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. The IOC had selected the issues of gender equality and the IOC’s brand campaign as shared topics for discussion.

“We intend to work with the international federations, share information and encourage discussion”, said Emmanuelle Moreau, Head of Media Relations at the IOC, describing the aims of the two-day conference. The International Luge Federation (FIL) was represented by social media officer Margit Dengler and press spokesman Wolfgang Harder.