Olympic Day: Invitation to get moving

Let's Move on Olympic Day

Berchtesgaden (19 June 2024) The IOC initiative "Let's Move and Celebrate" invites everyone to use the joy of movement for better mental and physical health in the run-up to Paris 2024.

As the world prepares for Paris 2024, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), has launched the "Let's Move and Celebrate" initiative to inspire and encourage people to discover the joy of movement this summer. The initiative invites everyone to join in the fun of sport and show their support for the athletes at the Olympics by creating or recreating their own iconic movements to celebrate the athletes. From dance moves to tributes to iconic poses to simple sports moves, fans should move in their own way. They should then upload their moves and share them with the world on social media platforms, tagging @Olympics and #LetsMove. https://olympics.com/lets-move

On #OlympicDay, June 23, the Olympic Movement encourages and supports people around the world to take time for physical activity in their daily lives, no matter how or where.

The International Luge Federation (FIL) therefore invites its athletes to take part in the "Let's Move" campaign by posting their workouts and suggestions for daily exercise and sharing their videos on social media with the hashtags #LetsMove #OlympicDay #LugeLove and the tag @Olympics.