Nagano (pps) Germany’s Patric Leitner/Alexander Resch kept unbeaten in their 3rd race on the Olympic track of Nagano, celebrated their second victory of the season and a small jubilee: It was their 25th victory in Viessmann Luge World Cup overall.
The Olympic Champions from 2002 in Salt Lake City won in a total time of one minute 39,633 seconds followed by Italy’s Christian Oberstolz/Patrick Gruber 81:39,866. Leitner/Resch drew level with Oberstolz/Gruber in the overall standings. Both doubles have now collected 370 points.
3rd place went to Andre Florschütz/Torsten Wustlich (1:39,885). Mark Grimmette/Brian Martin finished on 6th place, Canada’s Chris Moffat/Mike Moffat on 11th.

Patric Leitner (Olympic Champion 2002)
„The ice was getting worse in the second run from one starter to the next. I was afraid to loose this race at last. Next race will be on our home track at Königssee – so we can celebrate happy holidays.”

Christian Oberstolz (Bronze Medallist at the Europeans 2006)
„Now we will have a real showdown at Königssee. This will be very hot.”

Andre Florschütz (Olympic Silver Medallist 2006)
„I never expected to be on the podium with such a mistake like we had in the first run. Our goal are the Worlds at Igls, but this is always our goal.”

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